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Our Commitment To Quality

One of the key elements leading to Skema's success over the past thirty years has been the company's never-wavering focus on quality - starting as a regional winner, to a national player, to the international contender that it is today.

With this emphasis on quality it thus comes as no surprise that Skema operates under the SABS ISO 1462 Quality Management System. Reviewed on a bi-annual basis, these quality systems make allowances for the timely appraisal of customer requirements that ensure that the quality requirements of a product are always achieved.

With regards to Skema's product line, a number of factors ensure that quality is never compromised. Firstly, Skema ensures that all products are manufactured from certified graded materials only and that all manufacturing systems are geared towards providing a quality end product.

For example, Skema uses Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines in the manufacture of Axles, as well as Robotic Welding in the manufacturing of its' Friction Rock Stabilisers.

In addition, ongoing in-house computerised destructive testing takes place to ensure this safety critical product meets the required specifications - after all, people's lives depend on it.

Our Quality Commitment


The key element to our success is to  focus on our quality.
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Axle Products


The world's largest supplier of of Waste Bin Axles.
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Friction Rock Stabilisers


Our new friction rock stabilisers are now attracting the world.
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Our Social Responsibility


We recognize the greater needs of the community...
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